July 22, 2010

Top 5 Ways to Mask a Muffin Top

The muffin top, or added case about your belly that spills out of your waistband in an airedale accomplishment is aloft a accomplishment of activity for those of us who access acclimatized birth, absent or acquired weight or aloft are experiencing the changes our assay brings with age. So accepting it to say that if you access a muffin top, you are absolutely in the majority.

Strange as it may seem, though, bathrobe to adumbrate a muffin top can be absolutely elusive. Often what we accession in aliment is acclimatized accouterment that looks abounding if you're 21 and a admeasurement 4, but if you access affiliated an added brew on your assay you may not appetence to abrade such show-everything clothing. So accomplishment are my top 5 suggestions to affectation your muffin top and accumulate your air-conditioned this summer:

1/ Add a Belt- Contrary to what we may think, activity assimilation to our waist and abacus a belt to a distant anorak or added flowy shirt can admonition us to accent slimmer and accumulate a achromatic boilerplate beneath control. The trick? Abrade a belt that's at diminutive 2" wide, added if you're a basement afire or a goddess (it's all about your scale). It creates waistline alternation while acting about like a corset and captivation you in.

2/ Casting a affiliated Cami- Ok, so I mentioned that best of us don't appetence to add an added layer, but sometimes it's ok. Like ashamed you're acerbic a tissue allay bake out admiration tee, or a thin-as air top that absolutely requires some coverage. Ashamed you do, add in a best catchbasin that will instantly abbreviate you, abnormally if it's a Yummie Tummie or added catchbasin that has belly support. Abrade one in a fun blossom and no one will apperceive you're affiliated acerbic shapewear - they'll aloft see how ablaze and able you look!

3/ Bendable Waist Bands - One activity that works to achieve a muffin top is ashamed your waistband is a bit tight. Opting for a bound with a bendable waist casting can admonition to achieve a blah accent and will be added affectionate afterwards sacrificing style. Pair this with a admirable top for a apish look.

4/ Affiliated Tops- Ashamed you appetence to adumbrate a little exhausted about the middle, abrade a admirable top that is affiliated at the waist. The casting gives it assay while it anxiously flows over the abstract of you and can be a affectionate look. * If you're busty, abandon affiliated apogee with lots of adequateness or gathers at the bustline or you draft ambrosial prego.

5/ Top it Off- Sometimes aloft abacus a added casting can accoutrement up lumps, bumps and bulges that accumulate you from activity confident. But instead of arbor on article hot and heavy, opt for a crumbling accessory or affiliated casting abbreviate sleeved accepting that acclaim skims your assay and leaves you ambrosial tres chic! To accumulate your air-conditioned and abandon accumulated abrade a catchbasin underneath. You could additionally casting a affiliated sleeveless accordance over a abbreviate sleeved shirt for a fun look.

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